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Navigating Film Distribution: Netflix vs Angel Studios for Faith-Based Filmmakers

Navigating Film Distribution and select the right company for your next big film.

Today, Let's navigate film distribution options for indi-filmmakers and delve into Angel Studios vs. Netflix or other streaming platforms.

Angel Studios or Netflix
Navigating Film Distribution

As a filmmaker focused on inspirational and faith-based content, choosing the right distribution platform is paramount. It's not just about reaching an audience; it's about connecting with a community that shares and supports your values. But which one is better. Lets delve into a comparison between Netflix vs Angel Studios along with other streaming platforms.

Netflix, one of the most prevalent platforms, may seem like an obvious choice. However, a new player on the field, Angel Studios, offers a unique alternative worth considering.

Here are some reasons why you might want to choose Angel Studios over Netflix for your faith-based film distribution.

Reason #1 - Community-driven Decisions

Angel Studios operates with a refreshing process. Using their Angel Guild method, they put the power in the hands of the community. This approach ensures that the chosen content resonates deeply with the audience. In contrast, Netflix and other platforms like Hulu make decisions at the executive level, basing their choices on potential returns on investment.

What is a Community-driven decision? This refer to a decision-making process that is influenced, guided, or determined by a group of individuals who share common interests, goals, or values. Instead of a few individuals or executives making decisions based on their individual perspectives or corporate goals, the community as a whole has a say in the process.

In the context of Angel Studios, community-driven decisions mean that the platform allows its members to vote on future projects. This could include deciding what films or series get produced, which stories are developed, and where resources are allocated.

The intent is to ensure that the decisions reflect the desires, values, and preferences of the community. It democratizes the decision-making process, making it more inclusive and responsive to the community's needs and wants.

In contrast, traditional platforms like Netflix make decisions at the executive level, often based on factors like potential profitability or mass appeal, which may not always align with the preferences or values of specific viewer communities.

Community-driven decision-making can lead to content that is more aligned with the audience's interests, potentially leading to higher viewer satisfaction and engagement.

Reason #2 - Tailored Audience

Angel Studios' community approach is inherently tailored towards faith-based and family-friendly content. This focus means your films will be distributed among like-minded individuals who appreciate and seek out inspirational material. While Netflix does offer a broad audience, it doesn't specifically target or cater to faith-based viewers, which could leave your content underappreciated or overlooked.

Broad Audience VS. Tailored Audience: Whats the difference?

A "broad audience" and a "tailored audience" refer to different approaches to reaching viewers or consumers. Both have their pros and cons, and understanding these concepts can help determine the best strategy for marketing, content creation, or distribution.

Broad Audience: This refers to a wide, diverse group of viewers or consumers without significant consideration of their individual preferences, characteristics, or interests. Platforms or creators aiming for a broad audience try to appeal to as many people as possible. The goal is mass appeal and maximum reach. An example of this would be mainstream television networks or platforms like Netflix, which offer content across a wide variety of genres and formats to appeal to diverse viewer preferences.

Advantages of a broad audience strategy include a larger potential market and increased opportunities for brand exposure. However, the downside is that content may need to be generalized to appeal to many different tastes, potentially leading to less depth or specificity.

Tailored Audience: This refers to a more specific, targeted group of viewers or consumers defined by shared characteristics such as interests, demographics, or values. Platforms or creators focusing on a tailored audience aim to provide content or products specifically designed to appeal to this group. An example would be Angel Studios, which caters to viewers looking for faith-based or family-friendly content.

The advantages of a tailored audience strategy include a more engaged and loyal audience, as the content or products align closely with their preferences or values. It can also allow for more depth or nuance in content as it doesn't need to appeal to a wide range of tastes. However, the potential market size may be smaller, and there may be less opportunity for broad exposure.

In the end, choosing between a broad audience and a tailored audience largely depends on your specific goals, content, and strategy. Both approaches can be successful, but they require different tactics and considerations.

"When you Pay it Forward, you are part of a movement in history to share stories that amplify light." – Angel Studios

Reason #3 - Creator-Centric Philosophy

Angel Studios was built by filmmakers, for filmmakers. This background gives them an intimate understanding of your journey and struggles, leading to a more empathetic and supportive platform. Conversely, Netflix, being a corporate giant, might not offer the same level of understanding or support.

What is the Creator-Centric Philosophy

A "creator-centric philosophy" refers to a value system or operational approach that places the creator—the person or team responsible for producing content, products, or services—at the center of decision-making processes and strategic considerations.

In this philosophy, the focus is on respecting the creator's artistic vision, encouraging their innovation, and supporting their needs and interests. It recognizes the essential role that creators play in generating original, compelling content and strives to provide an environment that nurtures their creativity and growth.

In the context of a distribution platform like Angel Studios, a creator-centric philosophy might involve:

  1. Democratic Decision-making: Empowering creators to have a say in important decisions, such as what projects get greenlit or how resources are allocated.

  2. Fair Compensation: Ensuring creators are paid fairly for their work, acknowledging the time, effort, and skill that goes into creating content.

  3. Creative Freedom: Allowing creators to maintain control over their work, giving them the liberty to pursue their unique vision without excessive interference or restriction.

  4. Support and Resources: Providing creators with the resources, guidance, and support they need to produce their best work, from funding opportunities to mentorship programs.

In contrast, more traditional, profit-driven platforms might prioritize factors like marketability or mass appeal over the creator's individual vision, leading to a system where decisions are made primarily by executives, with limited input from the creators themselves.

A creator-centric philosophy ultimately seeks to foster a more balanced, equitable, and creative industry, where creators are valued and respected for the essential role they pla

Reason #4 - A Journey Together

With two of my films currently in Angel Studios' guild process, I'm experiencing first-hand the unique journey they offer. I'm not just throwing my work into the void and hoping it sticks; I'm actively participating in a process that values community input and collaboration.

The guild can be found on the Angel Studios App. The subscription costs $20 a month and the benefits are very rewarding. You get to look through what they call torches and vote on them. They primarily are looking for the answer to the question; "How would you feel if this production never got made?" They give you three multiple choice answer; Disappointed, somewhat disappointed and not disappointed.

I have spent a substantial part of my career producing faith-based, inspirational content, and I've always prioritized the mission to touch that one life that needs the message I'm delivering. Like I mentioned so many times before, I am not after fame, nor am I after reconition. I only want to plant that seed in one life in every film I produce.

A Community That Cares:

I've been privileged to witness the overwhelming response to my films, "Shallow Depths" and "The Son," during their first week on Angel Studios' Guild platform. We've connected with individuals from all corners of the world, and the feedback has been nothing short of humbling. Each comment, each vote is not just a statistic, but a testament to the power of story and community. This experience is unique to Angel Studios, an ecosystem that thrives on communal input and shared values.

A Stark Contrast to Other Platforms

Platforms like Netflix and Hulu, while prominent in the industry, work on a different paradigm. Their decisions, driven primarily by profitability and a broad appeal, often leave behind niche creators like us. You won't see community input affecting their content selection, and you won't feel the same connection to your audience. They lack the personal touch that makes Angel Studios unique.

The Angel Studios Difference

What sets Angel Studios apart is their ethos. They've designed a platform that values and fosters community input. The Angel Guild method empowers viewers to be a part of the creative process, by allowing them to vote on future projects for a subscription fee of $20/month. This process ensures the content aligns with the community's desires, making the platform a truly user-driven experience.

Dreaming of a New Industry Model

The success and connectivity I've experienced with Angel Studios is something I can only dream of seeing in other platforms. As creators, we don't just create for creation's sake. We create to connect, to inspire, to make a difference. And for that, we need an audience that resonates with our vision. We need a platform that's not just a distribution channel, but a bridge to our community.

As the industry continues to evolve, I hope more platforms will adopt this community-centric approach. It's high time we shift from a business-oriented model to one that values stories and their creators equally, if not more. Of course Business still plays a huge factor in the movie industry and I am not saying that we need to eliminate that at all. What I am saying is we need to gear more towards community oriented business structure vs. a executive business structure.

if you're a faith-based filmmaker looking to connect with an audience who values and supports your work, Angel Studios is a platform worth considering. It's more than a distribution channel; it's a community that uplifts, celebrates, and actively participates in your creative journey. I, for one, couldn't be more grateful for this experience.

Reason #5 - Emphasizing Stories over Profits

Film distribution is a journey and choosing the right platform to showcase your work is the first crucial step. As a creator of inspirational and faith-based content, I found myself drawn to Angel Studios. I've always been driven by the passion to create, to inspire, and to connect with like-minded individuals. In my experience, Angel Studios offers an unparalleled experience in this regard, compared to giants like Netflix.

A Story Worth Sharing

Angel Studios operates on a principle I hold dear: a good story is worth sharing. This philosophy aligns with my core beliefs as a filmmaker. It is not the potential profitability that defines a film's worth but its ability to inspire, connect and create an impact. This sentiment stands in stark contrast to platforms like Netflix, where decisions are primarily influenced by a project's potential profitability.

The Problem with Profit-Driven Decisions

From personal experience, I can assert that great stories are far and few between. This scarcity is not because there's a lack of talent or ideas but due to the undue influence of profitability on content selection in larger platforms. These platforms often sideline creators like us, whose work may not align with their profit-driven models but resonate deeply within niche communities.

Lets learn more from Angel Studios on this reason

History Lesson Time

Now, a bit of history: Netflix, founded in 1997, started as a DVD-by-mail service, revolutionizing the industry in 2007 with its streaming service. Today, it boasts over 200 million subscribers.

On the other hand, Angel Studios, initially known as VidAngel, was founded in 2013. It started as a filtering service for existing content but evolved to create a platform for filmmakers to distribute their work directly to consumers. They've made a significant impact in the faith-based community, with popular crowd-funded series like "The Chosen and now the box office world breaker of Sound of Freedom which broke over $100 million dollars. Crazy to think that Sound Of Freedom is pretty close to breaking even to Top Gun Maverick.

In the end, the choice of a distribution platform is a critical decision. While Netflix offers a wide reach, Angel Studios provides a platform that is not only more aligned with your faith-based content but also values community engagement and democratic decision-making. It's a platform that empowers creators, fostering a deep connection with the audience and ensuring that good stories get the chance to shine. As a faith-based filmmaker, this aligned vision could make all the difference in your distribution journey.


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