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Why I Chose the ARRI Alexa 35 for a $500 Film: An Honest Review

When I set out to film "Sweet Secret," a short film with a modest $500 budget, I knew I needed a camera that could deliver exceptional quality without compromise. So, I went with the ARRI Alexa 35, a camera with a $100,000 price tag.

Choosing the right camera is about finding the best tool for the specific job at hand. While many great cameras are available, each has its strengths and ideal use cases. For "Sweet Secret," I needed a camera that could handle the intense Florida heat and deliver stunning visuals without added complications.

Red cameras, for example, offer fantastic dynamic range but can overheat in extreme conditions and lack built-in ND filters, which adds to the gear I’d need on set. Sony cameras, like the FX3, are known for their reliability, but they also tend to overheat and don't have built-in ND filters. These aspects made them less suitable for this particular project, even though they excel in other areas.

Blackmagic cameras are known for their affordability and image quality, but their build and ergonomics aren’t ideal for the rugged, outdoor environment we were shooting in. Canon’s C300 has built-in ND filters and is excellent for documentary work, but it didn't meet all the narrative demands of this project.

So, why choose such an expensive camera for a low-budget project? Let me break it down for you.

The ARRI Alexa 35: A Game-Changer

The ARRI Alexa 35 is a significant leap forward in camera technology. Its new sensor offers an incredible dynamic range and color accuracy that stands out from the competition. This isn't just about having the latest gear; it's about having a tool that can capture the vision precisely as I see it.

What makes this sensor so special? The Alexa 35 boasts 17 stops of dynamic range, which is the highest in any camera on the market. This wide range allows for capturing both the brightest highlights and the darkest shadows without losing detail. For context, the older Alexa Mini offers 14 stops, which is impressive but doesn't come close to the Alexa 35.

This extended dynamic range means fewer worries about overexposing or underexposing shots, especially in challenging lighting conditions. For "Sweet Secret," this capability was crucial, as we had to shoot various scenes under the intense Florida sun.

Arri has come up with a cool new thing for filmmakers - the Alev 4 sensor! It's a big step up from the Alev 3 they brought out in 2010. This new sensor is like a tech upgrade, giving filmmakers and cinematographers better performance and more advancements to work with.

One of the best things about the Alev 4 is the new log format they've introduced, Log C4. It's going to change the game for pros when it comes to capturing and editing footage. This new format is all about better dynamic range, color accuracy, and more flexibility in post-production.

It means filmmakers can have more control and get exactly the look they want for their films. Arri isn't just showing off with the Alev 4 sensor and Log C4 - they're showing they're all about pushing the limits of imaging technology and making sure filmmakers have the tools to make their creative ideas come to life on screen.

Performance and Durability

One of my main concerns was the camera's performance under extreme conditions. We shot "Sweet Secret" over two days in harsh sunlight, and the Alexa 35 didn't overheat once. This reliability is a testament to ARRI's commitment to quality and innovation. It’s equipped with advanced cooling systems that ensure consistent performance, even in tough environments.

The Alexa 35's build quality is another standout feature. It's robust and designed to withstand tough shooting environments, which was essential for our outdoor scenes. Despite its durability, this camera is far from lightweight. Fully rigged, the Alexa 35 can weigh between 45 to 50 lbs, making it a beast to handle.

This weight factor, while challenging, also speaks to the camera’s robust construction and professional-grade components. It’s built to endure rigorous use on set, which is invaluable for serious filmmakers.

Image Quality: Unmatched Clarity

The images produced by the Alexa 35 are unparalleled. The dynamic range and color rendition are simply breathtaking. Whether you're shooting in bright daylight or low-light conditions, this camera delivers stunning visuals every time. The level of detail captured is astounding.

screengrab from Arri's promo video Arri Alexa 35

The Alexa 35's sensor captures textures and colors in a way that feels almost three-dimensional. This was evident in the scenes shot in the orange groves for "Sweet Secret," where the lush greens and bright oranges popped on screen, giving the film a vibrant, cinematic look.

One of the key features of the Alexa 35 is its enhanced sensitivity mode for low light. This mode employs advanced noise reduction to deliver cleaner, better results at higher ISOs. This capability is particularly useful when shooting in challenging lighting conditions, ensuring that the footage remains crisp and clear without the excessive noise often seen in lower-end cameras.

screengrab from Arri's promo video Arri Alexa 35

Flexibility in Post-Production

The flexibility the Alexa 35 offers in post-production is another major plus. While "Sweet Secret" is still in post-production, I’ve worked on a timeline using footage I shot from this camera during the making of the video posted below.

I want to give a special shout-out to the actress who made this possible, Lhana Richard. She's an amazing talent and a rising star who graciously allowed us to film her before the shoot. Lhana is soon heading off to college to delve into the world behind the camera, showcasing her dedication to both sides of filmmaking.

Grabbing a few photos before the Arri Alexa 35 video

The footage from the Alexa 35 is easy to work with, and the camera's advanced features allow for significant creative freedom. The dynamic range means there's plenty of room to push the images without losing quality, making color grading a dream.

My wife, Taylor, is actually cutting the film, and while her computer struggles a bit with the raw footage, it's manageable when using proxy media format. This flexibility is crucial when working on a tight budget.

It allows for more creative experimentation without the fear of degrading the image quality. For "Sweet Secret," we will be able to achieve a polished, professional look even at this stage, which is often challenging with lower-end cameras.

Another standout aspect is the Alexa 35's compatibility with various post-production workflows. Its robust codec options and color science provide a seamless experience when editing and grading, allowing filmmakers to maximize their creative potential. This flexibility is one of the reasons why the Alexa 35 stands out from its competitors.

High-Density Encoding and Storage

The Alexa 35 uses Codex cards with high-density encoding, available in 1 terabyte and 2 terabyte capacities. This high-density encoding allows for longer recording times and better data management, which is essential when working with high-resolution footage. The ability to store more footage on a single card reduces the need for frequent card changes and ensures that the workflow remains smooth and uninterrupted.

Arri Alexa 35 newest storage option

This high-density encoding also means that the footage retains its quality without excessive compression, which is a common issue with other storage solutions. This feature is particularly beneficial for long shoots and projects that require extensive footage, ensuring that every detail is captured without compromise.

Comparing to the Competition

When comparing the Alexa 35 to other popular cameras like the RED Komodo, RED Scarlet, Sony FX3, and Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Cameras, several key differences stand out. The Alexa 35’s 17 stops of dynamic range significantly surpasses the dynamic range offered by these competitors, which typically ranges from 13 to 16 stops. This wider dynamic range allows for more detail in both highlights and shadows, providing greater flexibility in post-production.

The enhanced sensitivity mode of the Alexa 35 also sets it apart. While cameras like the Sony FX3 are known for their low-light capabilities, the Alexa 35’s advanced noise reduction at higher ISOs delivers cleaner, more usable footage in challenging lighting conditions. Additionally, the Alexa 35’s build quality and durability make it a more reliable choice for demanding shoots, whereas lighter cameras like the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Cameras may not withstand the same level of wear and tear.

So, is the ARRI Alexa 35 worth the hype? Absolutely. It might seem like an extravagant choice for a low-budget film, but the results speak for themselves. The Alexa 35's performance, reliability, and image quality make it a standout choice for any filmmaker looking to elevate their work. If you want to see the camera in action and learn more about our experience, check out our YouTube video, "Is the ARRI Alexa 35 Worth the Hype?"

In the end, using a $100,000 camera for a $500 film was an experiment that paid off in spades. The ARRI Alexa 35 not only met but exceeded our expectations, proving that sometimes, investing in the best tools can lead to extraordinary results. For more insights and a deeper dive into our experience with this camera, don’t miss our latest YouTube video, "Is the ARRI Alexa 35 Worth the Hype?"

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